Hello! My name is
Derrick Holleman.

I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer.

I'm comfortable with...

HTML CSS Git Javascript React express postgres

I'm currently learning...

redux typescript
Over the past year while faced with a loss of work during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve discovered an interest in programming and more-so, web design.

I’ve come to appreciate responsive, mobile friendly and simple yet satisfying designs. I prefer my experiences on web sites to be focused on the content and less about fancy, but potentially slow-loading animations that make navigating through the site a chore. I do my best to find a good balance between a site that looks and feels modern, but is also user-friendly.

Additionally, I've learned that as mobile devices become more popular for web browsing, it's now estimated that 56% of all web traffic comes through mobile users. With this in mind, I make sure that my sites are equally as usable and accessible on phones and tablets as they are on computers.

Take a look around my website and feel free to reach out to me through my contact page or connect with me through my social media links. I hope to make many new connections on my programming journey!
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